MARCH 23RD, 2019

This monumental dance and sound performance investigates the choreography of bodies in protest. Performed across Australia, Asia and Europe, this latest iteration will interweave the voices of young Tasmanians into movement and sound, creating a powerful and moving experience. An ensemble of Tasmanian dancers will occupy public space and perform to live music transmitted through wireless headsets.

Inspired by recent protests led by young Australians, The Stance questions what it means to put your body on the line for something you believe in. Both highly political and physically demanding, this imposing act of endurance channels the history of public protest and recent acts of global activism.

The Stance has been created by Brisbane-based choreographed Liesel Zink and in 2019 will be a part of Ten Days on the Island.

Audiences are invited to view the work at any point during the two and a half hour duration.


Liesel Zink

Sound Artist
Mike Willmett

Rehearsal Director/Choreographic Collaborator
Gabriel Comerford

Martyn Coutts

Angela Barnard, Charlea Edwards, Erica Campbell-Graham, HK Vermeulen, Lisa Stautmeister, Sammie Lester & Tullia Chung-Tilley.


Liesel Zink

Liesel Zink is an award-winning Australian choreographer whose practice centers around politics and social psychology. She creates large-scale dance and sound works in busy urban spaces, conducting social experiments amongst the busy flow of pedestrian traffic while exposing artistic process and practice to new and extensive audiences.

Liesel received the 2017 Australian Dance Award for Outstanding Achievement in Independent Dance for her project The Stance. The work also featured in Australia Council for the Arts 'Connecting Australians' research paper into participation in the arts in Australia.

Exploring the choreography of bodies in protest, Liesel’s public space work The Stance has been presented in Hungary for Sziget Festival 2017, South Korea for Ansan Street Arts Festival 2017Sydney for Liveworks Festival (Performance Space NSW)Hobart for Salamanca Moves TASLaunceston for Junction Arts Festival TAS, and Brisbane for both the Australian Performing Arts Market and Slipstream Festival (Metro Arts QLD), and in Perth with Co3 Youth. It is soon to be presented in Hong Kong in 2019.

2018 has seen Liesel create a new dance and science collaboration Inter and begin development of a new large scale gallery performance work Balloons & Granite. She also was a lead artist in the creation of Force Majeure's new site-specific work FLOCK.